The Essential Guide to Pallet Stretch Film: What You Need to Know


Pallet stretch film, further referred to as stretch wrap or wrap film, is an extraordinarily multifunctional packaging material employed to stabilize palletized cargoes for transportation and storage. Crate wrapping pallets may be used for every packing need as they can secure loads, shield products from harm, moisture, and optimize space. Knowledge of the type of pallet wrap, strength of the material, thickness and the appropriate applications of pallet wrap is central to organizations benefiting from its usage.

What is Pallet Stretch Film?

Pallet stretch film is a very thin plastic film predominantly used to encapsulate loaded pallets and in so doing; it brings the goods stacked on it into one unit. It is also flexible during application so that it can wrap the pallet load tightly. The elastic recovery of the film leads to its high ability to wrap the load tightly and keep it in a stable state. Flexi-wrapping encloses products within a pallet in order to decrease movement of the items when in transit.

Advantages of Pallet Stretch Wrap

Aids in Safeguard Pallet Loads – The tight wrap protects the loads for those items which may easily fall off or slip or get damaged while in transit or in storage. This makes transportation and handling to be safer.

  • Weatherproofs Loads – Stretch wrap shields the loads from moisture, dust and any debris that may be in the environment. This helps to protect packaged products from corrosion, contamination as well as harm caused by other forms of weather.
  • High Load Security at Minimal Encasing – A lean plastic layer can encapsulate a pallet load thus minimizing the cost of packaging.
  • More Warehouse Space – Stable well wrapped pallet loads can be stacked closer and to higher levels and bear closer storing density that can be safely achieved.
  • Promotional Surface – In using promotional stretch wrap film, companies automatically reinforce their brand on the pallet load.

Types of Pallet Stretch Film

There are a few main categories of stretch wrap film to suit different palletizing needs:

  • Light Duty Film – Used to cover thin pallet loads that do not exceed 50 pounds. For packing small goods or securing the pallets with averagely loaded goods before taking heavy duty wrapping.
  • Reg Duty Film – The thinnest and most common type of stretch wrap. Covers strength, load holding power, puncture resistance plus cost. Used for most pallet loads.
  • Premium Duty Film – A stronger puncture and tear guard for heavily, loosely or informatively laden items up to 4,000 pounds weight. It concerns of sharp metal parts such as screws, nails, lumber and pipes among others.
  • Extended Duty Film – Highly stretchable film with very high tensile strength and customs coating designed for loads above 2,000 pounds. Designed for high throughput applications such as handling large consignments that may have to be shipped over a long distance or in export environment.
  • Hand Wrap Film – Produced in any of the above duty types but with added cling adhesion and is FOR use in manual wrap application.

Aspects Considered in Choosing Pallet Stretch Wrap

Consider these factors when determining the right pallet wrap for your application:

  • Weight of load – Depending on the type of load, choose lighter or heavier duty films.
  • Durability needed – More or less better puncture or tear evidence
  • Wrapping method: Manual or Machine
  • Environmental factor – Water, heat light etc.
  • Activities performed – Loading composition – When loading the items, vulnerable pieces should require a gentler level of pressure.
  • Shipping distances – Local or International

The optimal film saves on the amount of waste, helps prevent load failure and preserve your shipment. Film should also be tested on sample loads to identify the appropriate wrap to use while in the field.

The Stretch Wrapping Process

Instead of using hand applications, most warehouses employ semi or fully automatic motorized stretch wrapping to spin the pallets they apply the stretch films on when encasing the load. Wrapping typically follows these steps:

  1. Place pallet properly so that the weight is distributed evenly or uniformly across all the four ends of the pallet.
  2. Anchor bottom layer of film over the pallet to prevent it from slipping off.
  3. For wrap from bottom upwards, ensure that the layers overlap half of its length.
  4. Encase the top layer diagonally sealing the load and furthering stability
  5. Trim film with securing ends to the final layer (optional).

The number of circular wraps ranges from two and can go up to fifteen, depending on the load weight, type of wrap applied and the containment force needed. Suspended heavier loads require more of the film wraps or better still use a higher grade of the wrap.

Key Takeaways

The information provided about the various grades of pallet stretch films enable businesses decide on the right grade to use in order to consolidate, protect as well as market their palletized commodities. In selecting the films it is important that such factors as load sizes, the composition of the loads, and the distance for shipment should be taken into consideration in order to maintain the pallet loads in good order from the time they are in the warehouse to the time they get to the final destination. The benefits that helps to overcome higher cost of invest on high quality wrap at the time of wrapping are the reduction of damaged products, labors, returns and replacement wrapping.

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